What do you call the most exciting place at Sagemont Church? It’s Sagemont Kids! The place for kids to have tons of fun each week with friends while learning biblical truths and discovering how much God loves them!

Sunday mornings include high-energy, age-appropriate large group worship experiences that include exciting music, videos, games, and more. Combined with creative small group experiences where children learn the Bible, kids have so much fun that they beg to come back the next week!

Our five objectives in the entire Sagemont Kids Ministry begin in the preschool years. Sunday mornings include high-energy, age-appropriate large group worship experiences that include exciting music, videos, games, and more. Combined with creative small group experiences where children learn the Bible, kids have so much fun that they beg to come back the next week!

DISCOVER: Introduce children to the love of God.
“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:8

DIRECT: Show Children the way to develop a relationship with God.
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

DECIDE: Lead children to trust Christ as Savior.
“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” Romans 10:9

DEVELOP: Help children as they grow to love him.
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

DEVOTE: Encourage children to love the Lord completely.
“Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”” Matthew 22:37

Our Sagemont Kids staff, along with almost 500 volunteers, is here to partner with parents in the wonderful, though demanding, task of nurturing children. It is our great joy to help children find the path God has designed specifically for them. Please do not hesitate to call on us if we can help serve your family in any way.

Safety Protocols

As we gear up for the new Bible study year, we will continue to observe the following safety protocols in Sagemont Kids:

  • We are asking parents to screen their children BEFORE they arrive at church. Children with any symptoms of illness will not be allowed into our classrooms.
  • All classrooms are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by our Housekeeping Staff prior to Sunday morning.
  • Face masks for leaders and children are optional while in the Children’s Building.
  • We will be offering contactless check-in for everyone using the Sagemont Church App.
  • Every child in the Blue and Green Wings will receive a fourth security tag at Check-In. This tag will be placed on a clear plastic bag to hold the necessary belongings of the child, such as bottle, diapers, pacifier, sippy cup, etc. (The clear plastic bags will be provided to parents by a classroom leader.) We prefer that diaper bags, backpacks, and other personal belongings (including blankets, lovies, and toys) remain with parents.
  • All leaders and children will be encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water regularly throughout their stay. Also, hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom for cleaning hands in-between washes.
  • Should a child suddenly become ill, we will relocate the child and notify a parent.
  • We will offer store bought snacks to the children during each morning session. Should parents not want us to give food to their child, they should let leaders know so that it can be noted on the sign-in sheet.

When do I need to come on Sundays?
Our services are at 9:30 and 11:15 am on Sunday mornings. You will want to arrive early to allow yourself enough time to park, check in your children to class and make it to service on time! We would recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before the service you want to attend.

Where do I go on Sundays?

On your first Sunday at Sagemont Church, please stop by the Guest Services booth in the Worship Center Lobby. Volunteers will be there to register your children for class and to escort you to the programs for your children. They will be available to assist you with checking your child in to class, and they will answer any questions you may have.

What will my child do on Sundays?
Preschoolers and children will enjoy activities specifically designed for them on Sunday mornings. Preschoolers are grouped in classes by age (as of September 1), and they enjoy art, music, recreation and other activities centered on a Bible story and spiritual truth during each hour. School-age children have the opportunity to attend both large group and small group experiences on Sundays. Our goal is for children to have fun and make friends while learning about God.

Who will supervise my children during service?
Your children will enjoy going to class with our committed and gifted teachers at Sagemont! All of our volunteers receive training on working with children, and they have been carefully screened through an application process and criminal history check. In addition, every room has at least two teachers at all times to ensure that each child receives good supervision. Because we value the safety of each child, every classroom and our common areas are also equipped with security cameras. For your convenience, observation rooms are located between each set of preschool classrooms. You are welcome to view your child from these rooms at any time while you are at Sagemont.

What if my child needs me during class?

If your child becomes ill or distressed in class, we will notify you so that you can care for him/her. Parents of Babies and Ones are requested to leave a cell phone number for texting purposes. We will alert you via text message if your child needs you. We ask that parents of Babies and Ones also note your whereabouts during each service on the class Check-In Form so that we can locate you if needed. If your child has any special needs, we request that you inform us of them on your visit so that we can provide the highest quality care and ministry to your child.

Are children welcome in worship?
Children are always welcome in worship at Sagemont Church! Your child may attend services in the Worship Center with you, if desired. Our only request is to be sensitive to those around you, and if you have a young restless child, minimize disruptions to others by stepping out and attending to your child’s needs.

Can you accommodate my child if s/he has special needs?
Sagemont Church has a place for every child! We value the opportunity to minister to children with special needs. Children under six are encouraged to attend the programs offered for all children. If a child with special needs simply needs some modifications in the classroom, we will provide a friend to work with the children in our regular programs. Children, ages six and older, who need a different environment in which to play and grow are invited to attend PromiseLand! In PromiseLand, our children enjoy Bible stories, art activities and play in a special environment with loving, gifted teachers who want to minister to them.

What security measures does the church have to protect our children?
The safety and security of children is one of our highest priorities at Sagemont Church. To ensure that only parents and other authorized adults are allowed to pick up your children, we have a security receipt system for Babies through Fifth Grade. On your first visit, our hosts will complete a two-part receipt for you. One part is the child’s “ticket” into class, and you give it to the teacher at your child’s class. All children should be escorted to class by a parent. The second receipt must be presented to the teacher in the classroom after church to pick up your child. Only the parent or individual with the security receipt may pick up the child. After your first visit, you can use our computerized Check-In system to print these receipts. Using the touch screens at one of the Check-In Stations located in the downstairs mall of the Children’s Building, you will check in your child(ren), and three stickers will print for each child. One is a name badge for your child to wear, the second is an identical name badge to serve as your child’s “ticket” into class, and the third is a security receipt that you keep and present at pick up to retrieve your child. If a parent does not have his or her receipt for pick up, they should proceed to the Children's Ministry offices for assistance.

Sunday Mornings

Sagemont Kids strives to provide a fun, safe environment for our preschool-age children to grow and learn. From the earliest age, babies are cared for by the most loving staff and volunteers found anywhere. As they grow into toddlers and young children, they are introduced through fun, age-appropriate activities to biblical truths and the fact that God loves them more than they can imagine.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • “Early Bird” Classes
    Babies through 5th graders Various classrooms in Children’s Bldg.

9:30am – 10:45am

  • Assigned class in Blue & Green Wings

10:45am – 11:15am

  • Transition Time

11:15am – 12:30pm

  • Assigned class in Blue & Green Wings

Our pre-kindergarten and kindergarten children begin to move toward programming that bridges the gap between preschool and grade school. These four- and five-year-olds enjoy small group activities along with the large group "KidVenture" time complete with music, movement, and biblical teaching presented in creative, age-appropriate ways. Note: These classes are based on the child's age or grade in school as of September 1.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • “Early Bird” Classes
    Babies through 5th graders Various classrooms in Children’s Bldg.

9:30am – 10:45am

  • Small Group Bible Studies Assigned class in Yellow Wing

10:45am – 11:15am

  • Transition Time

11:15am – 12:30pm

  • Kindergarten - “KidVenture” Large Group Worship Service Upstairs in Yellow 262

First graders attend the Crosswalk worship service designed especially for this age group. The Crosswalk worship utilizes music, movement, and creatively taught Bible lessons to help these children become more grounded in their faith. Note: These classes are based on the child's age or grade in school as of September 1.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • “Early Bird” Classes
    Babies through 5th graders Various classrooms in Children’s Bldg.

9:30am – 10:45am

  • “CrossWalk” Large Group Worship Service Upstairs in Yellow 262

10:45am – 11:15am

  • Transition Time

11:15am – 12:30pm

  • Small Group Bible Studies Assigned class in Yellow Wing

Children in second through fourth grades worship together in HangTime, where the Connection Team (select fourth and fifth graders) leads in music and movement and the Bible is taught very clearly on a level appropriate for these ages. In the 11:15am hour, grades divide into small groups for various Bible-based activities and lessons.  Note: These classes are based on the child's age or grade in school as of September 1.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • “Early Bird” Classes
    Babies through 5th graders Various classrooms in Children’s Bldg.

9:30am – 10:45am

  • “Hang Time” Large Group Worship Service Upstairs in Orange 204

10:45am – 11:15am

  • Transition Time

11:15am – 12:30pm

  • Small Group Bible Studies Assigned class in Orange Wing

Fifth grade students spend the year finishing their foundation in Children's Ministry and preparing for what awaits them in Student Ministry. These preteen students begin Sunday morning in small groups with age-appropriate activities and biblical lessons. They follow up with a large group worship time designed especially for them. Note: These classes are based on the child's age or grade in school as of September 1.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

8:00am – 9:00am

  • “Early Bird” Classes
    Babies through 5th graders Various classrooms in Children’s Bldg.

9:30am – 10:45am

  • Small Group Bible Studies Assigned class in Orange Wing

10:45am – 11:15am

  • Transition Time

11:15am – 12:30pm

  • “The MiX” Large Group Worship Service Upstairs in Orange 204


PromiseLand is a ministry for children with unique needs starting at the age of four years old through seventeen. We offer an atmosphere that promotes spiritual growth through our Christ-centered curriculum. Our commitment is to share God's Word with all children, because His Word says, "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.'" (Jeremiah 29:11)

Safety is one of our top priorities in PromiseLand. With security cameras, security doors, and required background checks for volunteers, every effort is made to ensure that the children of PromiseLand are safe physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

We want your child to have a wonderful experience in PromiseLand; therefore, we have just a few things that need to be done prior to your child’s first visit. You will need to download the Promiseland Child Packet, fill it out completely, and turn it into the Sagemont Kids office no later than the Wednesday prior to your first visit. You and your child are welcome to take a tour of PromiseLand on Sunday mornings or set a time during the week with our PromiseLand coordinator. Tours may be scheduled with Angie Solis at

Sunday Morning Schedule:

PromiseLand meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and 11:15am.  We operate on the Sagemont Church Connect Group schedule. 


PromiseLand is located at the end of the Green Wing in the Children's Building in Room 182.

Kids (birth through 5th Grade) are invited to join us this for a fun-filled evening of worship, Bible study, games, snacks, and fellowship! There is no charge, and friends are welcome! Register today so that we can reserve a seat just for you!

Birth-5th Grade 

Wednesdays | 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Children's Building
Birth - 2 year old | Blue wing
3 - 4 years old | Green wing
K - 1st Grade | Yellow Wing
2nd - 5th Grade | Orange Wing

Sagemont Church loves babies! Each one is of infinite value to our Heavenly Father, and we rejoice with each family when we receive the news of a precious addition! One of the ways that we come alongside new parents to support and encourage them as they begin their lifelong journey of raising godly children is through our Parent Baby Dedication. We offer Parent Baby Dedication four times a year in our 9:30am or 11:15am Sunday morning worship services. Parents can choose the date that best fits their family’s schedule; and our church family will have the opportunity to pray for the babies and parents as they are presented in the service by our pastor. Online registration is available, but if you have any questions or for our coming dates, please contact our Associate Director of Preschool. Ashley Ellis at .

We look forward to partnering together with new families in the spiritual growth of each child!


Now Registering for our 2024-2025 Mother's Day Out

DATE(S): Every Monday & Thursday (August 26, 2024 - May 19, 2025)
TIME: 9am-2pm

Register Online

Sagemont Mother's Day Out is offered for children ages six weeks-old through four years-old. It is held from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Mondays and Thursdays. Register online, or registration forms are available in the Sagemont Kids Office. A completed Sagemont Mother's Day Out registration form with a copy of your child’s insurance card and a non-refundable $150 registration fee is required to secure a spot.

We observe the Pasadena ISD School Calendar.

Upcoming Events


Ashley Ellis
Associate Director of Preschool

office: 281.652.3782